Drummer's Weekly Groovecast

Mini-Episode 2 - The Texan



For episode 2 of "Accountability Thursday" we doff our cap to Austin resident Tom Brechtlein and work on the NARD solo, "The Texan". Tom recently relocated to Austin and has worked out of the NARD book (he talked about it during our chat from episode 65) so we thought it was only logical to make this solo a part of our new show! This solo is a bit longer and has a few more twists and turns than our last solo. The highlights feature eighth note, ternary style, seven stroke rolls along with dotted quarter note fifteen stroke rolls. You can put a little 'breath' in each of these rolls to make them full and funky. By laying those two rolls on the back side of the beat it makes this solo feel great and stay true to the proper interpretation. Here's the YouTube link to see "The Texan" sheet music and performance video: https://youtu.be/HGv-lOXAn4A Don't forget to swing by our web site www.drummersweeklygroovecast.com You can find all our episodes, videos, social media and