John Clay Wolfe Show

#456 John Clay Wolfe Show 06.08.24



You've surely noticed by now, the Wolfe Pack is one versatile bunch of knuckleheads when it comes to having a great time on our live radio show--but with the car market up just a tic, Johnny C. thought he'd spend a little more "quality" time talking to our listeners from around the country about their cars, trucks, motorcycles and RVs (and buying every damned one of 'em if he can!) here's what's what: This week we condensed our usual four hour live program into three live hours of all of our favorite stuff: we catch up with our old friend Joe Exotic about his day-to-day routine, schemes, hopes and dreams from inside Federal prison; JD Ryan has got some of the funniest, most entertaining news stories we've had all year, including Florida News stories that'll crack you up for sure, a new report about what our friends in Arkansas are calling 'The Miracle Golden Corrall Baby,' and a public school teacher whose hobby is taking sexy (and we mean downright NASTY) selfies in the classroom after hours, while Bobb