Teen Creeps With Kelly Nugent And Lindsay Katai

Lael Littke's Haunted Sister



This week Kelly and Katai read "Haunted Sister" by Lael Littke, the touching story of a girl who almost dies, goes to heaven, and accidentally brings back her dead sexy-baby twin in her noggin. They talk how big the population of people who've brought back their dead twins in their brains is, lying about sexual partners, being genuinely touched by the end of the book, people who use therapy as justification for being terrible, struggle to remember the name of the kids' car they never do remember the name of, and bag on Apple Podcasts for ruining Teen Creeps' distribution. Links to things they talked about: Funny Ross al-Ghul/Lin Manuel Miranda tweet - https://twitter.com/RachaelAtWork/status/1402029981295915012?s=20 The kids' car style they still don't know the name of - https://amzn.to/3gQ8o3V Richie Rich version of the kids' car - https://bit.ly/3zR7DPt SUBSCRIBE TO THE TEEN CREEPS PATREON to get bonus episodes, merch, and more: https://www.patreon.com/teencreeps CONNECT W/ TEEN CREEPS: https://twitter.com