Teen Creeps With Kelly Nugent And Lindsay Katai

Sinclair Smith's The Waitress (w/ Scott Frazier)



Firstly, VOTE VOTE VOTE. Okay, now to the show. This week Kelly and Katai read THE WAITRESS by Sinclair Smith, joined by very special guest Scott Frazier (LA Podcast). They talk more fun murder pranks, boyfriend gaslighting (both of and by), urban legends, Blockbuster Video (RIP), red herrings that weren’t and should have been, divorce by text, and talk about the lead-up to a very special announcement from their frenemy The Moon. PROGRESSIVE VOTER GUIDES! These guides are specific to Los Angeles and California, so please do your research to find quality voter guides in your area! And vote Biden-Harris and NO on CA Prop 22. LA Podcast Voter Guide: https://thelapod.com/posts/la-podcast-voter-guide-2020-general-election/ Knock LA Voter Guide: https://knock-la.com/los-angeles-progressive-voter-guide-november-general-election-2020-fe6e286b3feb LA Taco CA Propositions Breakdown: https://www.lataco.com/voter-guide-la-2020/ SUBSCRIBE TO THE TEEN CREEPS PATREON to get bonus episodes, merch, and more: https://www.pat