Teen Creeps With Kelly Nugent And Lindsay Katai

Diane Hoh's Prom Date (w/ Omar Najam)



Hi, everyone! First of all ... #BLACKLIVESMATTER #DEFUNDTHEPOLICE To make a donation that will split evenly among 60+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers, go here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd And we'd like to highlight the fund for Breonna Taylor's family, as no police officers have yet been held accountable. https://gf.me/u/x6ngqj #JusticeForBre If you're not a black POC and want to learn how to be a better ally, educate yourself. This document bit.ly/junejustice is a great resource, which was set up by Bryanna Wallace and Autumn Gupta, on twitter @autumn_bry. We hope you're all taking care of yourselves and that you're safe and healthy. -------- Now ... for our dumb, but fun episode. Kelly and Katai welcomed back No Commentary Correspondent Omar Najam (TBD Bytes, El Rey Nation, #ThankYouForQuesting) to go on a buckwild ride discussing Diane Hoh's PROM DATE! We freak out over the parallels between Prom Date and our original teleplay Prom Dance,