

How Do Labels Impact Your Life? Note: Lately, I've felt that the Daily Nugget format I've been using for the last eight years has become a bit of a trap for me -- and I needed more flexibility. So, I'm moving away from a narrative format and toward providing the actual notes used during the show. I hope this will allow me to expand my ideas while giving you more motivation and actionable notes. And yes, you can expect this to evolve over the next few weeks. Retrospective Thought Have you ever wondered how having a label is impacting your life? While am I having this thought? I remember being asked, “What I do” by a potential customer - and I had no idea what to say. Points to consider Labels are a way to identify yourself to YOU… and identify YOU to the world. In the past, most people only had one way to identify themselves. That’s what they were known for. Today, people have too many labels. It seems that we have 1,000 mini-identities that we deploy depending on where we are, what we’re doing, and wh