Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 101 - Cordon Negro Freixenet



Feel the hot sun of a podcast recorded in Los Angeles! Then get checked by your dermatologist! Finally, go see a typographer about your use of exclamation points!!! So, at long last, here is episode 101 of our fine, dumb, fine podcast, semi-freshly relocated from Chicago to Los Angeles. The location has changed, the co-host has changed, but all the arguably objectionable nonsense Xander and the guests spout is the same! So come join Xander, temporary/adjunct/ersatz cohost Josh Logan, and guests Alex Haney and (returning champ) Graham Jenkins as they taste inexpensive bubbly and debate the important topics of the day like "should you bring your sex sponge to work functions?" and "does the human hand count as a reusable container?". Hilarity ensues? Rest assured, if you play the podcast into your head-holes, the ensuing hilarity will have ensued.   Search keywords for iTunes robot overlords (humans, avert your fleshy gazes!): alcohol, champagne, cava, bubbly, review, score, rating, booze, comedy, jokes, silly,