Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 99 - Twelfth of Never Ale



This podcast could be described as Xander and Grush "rolling deep" with Samuel Priest and Carl Bowlby, but it shouldn't be. That's silly and also two people doesn't constitute "deep" vis-a-vis crew rolling size. Look, I don't want to get into a long thing about the appropriate terms for crew-depth, OK? Let's talk about the podcast. Xander, Grush, Sammy P, and the Bowl (nickname approval pending) review the lovely Twelfth of Never Ale (which just caused me to realize that I struggle to spell "twelfth") and talk a whole lot of nonsense. Anything else used to describe it would be superfluous and, frankly, a poor way to spend my finger-force and your eye-juice. Why don't you just pop it in your skull and find out?   keywords for iTunes robot over and underlords: booze, alcohol, beer, ale, IPA, score, rating, jokes, stand up, improv, comedy, Chicago, people, places, things, gerunds, gerunding (my favorite gerund), Geralt of Rivia, Gerald of Butler, a snowman made of butter I call Gerald Butterman. End communicatio