Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 98 - Goldschlager



And thus we emerge from the mists of time...and laziness.  Behold our antepenultimate Chicago episode of the show: taking on Goldschlager's with Grush, Dr. Emily Beers, and Non-Dr. Travis Gilkeson.   This episode originally was a rare topical episode that relentlessly attacked renowned garbage-human Donald J. Trump (hence drinking a stupid, stupid, stupid gimmick drink like Goldschlager) but history since we recorded has turned making fun of him a lot less, uh, fun (for now). The show has been edited to remove basically all of that content.   What remains is classic Alcoholics Eponymous fun word nonsense.  Put it in your head-zone!   Keywords for iTunes robots (humans, stay back! Human quislings working for the robots...have at it): alcohol, review, booze, liquor, score, rating, jokes, comedy, silly, improv, stand up, schnapps, oh snaps, dayummm, ta-dow, te-bow, te-stern, te-extension of premise.