Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 97 - Deliria



Here it is: a famous Alcoholics Eponymous DOUBLES EPISODE!   And now prepare to be disappointed: that means that this episode is just Xander and Grush, carrying the weight of four people (while appropriately enough having the actual combined weight of four people). We still have all the hot nonsense talk of a normal episode and all the hot nonsense segments with no dead weight; suck it, previous guests!   And yes, we do know that doubles tennis has four people in it.   In addition to discussing all things of worth (wildly inappropriately, of course), we review a limited edition Delirium Tremens called "Deliria". So, if you want a super inefficient way to find out about that beer, listen to this episode. Or don't. I am not your dad. Probably.   iTunes searchwords for Apple flavored robots: Belgian beer, ale, booze, liquor, review, score, rating, comedy, improv, stand up, jokes, silly, Chicago, fists, fisticuffs, fisting, cufflinks, fistlinks, Skynet has fists! Run for your lives!