Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 93 - Grey Goose



The following four men were painfully turned into audio files via an ancient gypsy steampunk curse machine and then bewitched into haunting this particular episode of the podcast for all time: David "Coach" Lintzenich, Travis "His first name is Steve" Gilkeson, Michael "Please just call me Grush" Grush, and, of course, Xander "Xander O'Connor" O'Connor. Listen to their trapped voice-souls suffer for your amusement! They review the surprisingly pleasant Grey Goose vodka and tell a troubled couple how to deal with being covered in pubes.  In other words, a normal episode of the show. This episode could also be described as a great place to start if you have never head the podcast before; it essentially captures what we are all about (wildly time consuming humorous digressions bookended by talking about the drink). Put it inside your body's head.   Search keywords for Apple's unflinching horde of sentient cybersearch robot overlords and overladies (humans, avert your gaze): alcohol, booze, vodka, spirits, drink,