Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 90 - Glendalough Poutin



From the present mists of ancient Ireland comes a mystical moonshine called "poutin" (pronounced "putcheen").  Spoiler alert: like most moonshines, it ain't great. Hear Xander, Grush, Wes, and guest Kindred Cook suffer through the Glendalough poutin whilst, in their inimitable fashion, talking wildly inappropriate nonsense and bollocks (yes, both nonsense AND bollocks...they are clearly different). This episode is also a fine place to start if you are new to the world of Alcoholics Eponymous as it represents well both all that can be enjoyed in the podcast and all that can be reviled and put-offing. Enjoy? Enjoy. Enjoy (Interrobang)?! Enjoy!   search term words for iTunes robots (meatbags avert your fleshy gaze!): comedy, funny, silly, jokes, improv, stand up, booze, review, rating, score, Chicago, locations, other locations, dislocations, sprains, head wounds