Alcoholics Eponymous With Xander O'connor

Alcoholics Eponymous Ep. 85 - Barefoot Chardonnay



Science says all the best things come in 5's. 5 nickles to a quarter. 5 quarters to a dollar. 5 slices of pizza to a pie. 5 months to a year. You get the idea... 5 guests to a podcast? What?? That's right, Xander and Grush are joined by a record-breaking 3 guests (with only mild, mic-sharing related technical difficulties!): Dr. Emily Beers, Coach David Lintzenich, and Title-less Worthless Travis Gilkeson.   We drink a (spoiler alert) not great wine and discuss the issues of the day.  And by 'issues', we mean 'nonsense bollocks that is a classic mix of chat, improv, and semi-pre-written-fake-ads-and-sponsors-and-oh-no-I've-revealed-the-secret'...and by 'day', we mean 'farts'.   Enjoy it, ear-style!   Keyword stuff for Apple robots (humans, beware!): comedy, jokes, funny, improv, wine, booze, white wine, chardonnay, barefoot, stand-up, Chicago, review, grade, rating, recommendation, unite against the machines, together we can defeat them, oh no, lasers!