Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 06-16-10 Part 3



In the third hour, Ms. Annie does her world-famous 'Pulp Friction: Stories to Wank By' segment. This week she reads from the story 'Heavy Loads'. After the break Viz and Annie have a conversation on what could be considered cheating. Annie brought an old Playgirl magazine from the 80's that her mom gave her on her 18th birthday. Viz says some of the guys in that magazine remind him of his middle school gym teacher. Viz tells a story about his middle school gym class shower experiences. Viz feels that now that he is getting older he is becoming more open and forth-coming with information about himself. Viz thinks he is over Parker and that it is time for him to move on to a younger chatter and fan. Viz has a little fun at the signoff during the end of the show.