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Episode 36: ‘Misguided Revenge’ with Special Guest Konrad Vernor



Kaley Cuoco desecrates the flag, a man seems to die in every terrorist attack, the IRS doesn’t accept iTunes cards, and Mike’s buddy escalates a toilet paper prank.     SHOW NOTES Intro Grilled Onions Podcast Follow-up Ask a manager Trumped up On police shooting rates by minority status On Saddam Hussein On being the Ultimate Walk-off Winner On Article XII Internet vigilantes Kaley Cuoco vs. USA Stupid shit my friends post Area man reports cop doing his job A law professor identifies a teachable moment Headline of the week Mashable: This man seems to die in every terrorist attack. But he’s very much alive. Not The Onion FTC: IRS does not accept payment in iTunes cards Eye candy Bicycles from memory   Special Guest: Konrad Vernor.