Rotator: The Pedal Party

Ep. 15: GIVEAWAY! Old Blood Noise Endeavors Haunt Fuzz



GIVEAWAY! If you want a chance to win the pedal we use in this episode, go like our Instagram account @rotatorparty and tag a friend who loves pedals in the picture we post for this episode! The winner will be randomly selected this Saturday (May 12). Special thanks to The Jared for donating this pedal. Knobs and switches and split-splat-patty-whack giva-dogga-fuzz. There are far more sounds in this pedal than we could discover in one sitting, but we did our best to capture this thing’s array of juicy flavor.  Gear used: 2009 Gibson Les Paul Traditional 1995 Fender Stratocaster Special 1964 Fender Bandmaster Marshall 2x12 cabinet Sennheiser MD421 Old Blood Noise Endeavors Haunt Fuzz A little delay from the Strymon Dig Digital Delay Visit for more or subscribe in iTunes.