Note Mba

131: Note Investing Road Trips



Note investing road trips can be a vital component to a thriving investing business. Or at least that's what the travel loving Robert Woods and David Glinkski keep telling me. While we took off the week last week for the July 4th holiday. Woods and Glinski were traversing the Midwest in search of real estate deals. [smart_track_player url="" title="131: Note Investing Road Trips" artist="Note MBA" social="true" social_twitter="true" social_facebook="true" social_gplus="true" social_linkedin="true" social_pinterest="true" social_email="true" ] Note Investing Road Trips Over the July 4th holiday Robby and David did a 6 state note investing road trip. They drove through Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana and Ohio. This road trip took them by numerous assets that we own, or have acquired with JV investors. And assets that are on active tapes. Only one home on this particular trip was rough, and according to David many of the assets they saw were wo