Note Mba

126: How To Live Richly With Sándor Lau



How to live richly is one of the chief focus points for today's show, with Sándor Lau. Before we get into all that though, we break down how and why Sándor got into note investing. Sándor is a super charismatic guy, and one of my new favorite people in the note space - though he's been in it longer than I have. Like we mention in the show he's the Chinese-Hungarian-American-New Zealander, Eagle Scout, and Fulbright Scholar your mother warned you about. However, don't let that description fool you. He knows his stuff, and he brings some great content and advice on today's show. Sándor Lau Like many of us, Sándor came to the real estate business, specifically the note investing business at a difficult time. He had made some award winning films and was a news anchor in New Zealand. He enjoyed the life of an artist, but the starving part started to wear on him. After reading some books on investing and real estate he landed on a book by Gordon Moss. We've talked about the book on the show before, Performance Anxi