Note Mba

125: Buying Multiple 2nd Lien Notes, Instead of One 1st Lien Note



Buying multiple 2nd lien notes, instead of one 1st lien note - for the same amount of money - was one of the primary topics on this week's show. As we continue our march towards June, May the month of 2nds rolls on. This week we have a delightful conversation with Cathie Jeffs. Cathie has been a full time investor in the second lien space since 2011. Like myself, and many others, she got her start in the space after being downsized.   She made a brief pitstop with the fix and flip crowd, but it didn't take her long to find the note people. Buying Multiple 2nd Lien Notes Buying multiple 2nd lien notes is something most people in the seconds space hang their hat on. Fuquan Bilal has mentioned it before on the show, and so has Dave Van Horn and Gabe Kass. There are a few different reasons why this is an important part to the second lien strategy. When buying multiple 2nd lien notes you get to mitigate some of the inherent risk in 2nd liens. The typical example someone will shoot off is: when you buy 10 second li