Note Mba

113: Aweber Email Template, Oklahoma CFD and Deal Flow Issues



After discussing some Oklahoma CFD updates, Chase dives in on improving your Aweber email template, as well as Mailchimp. After that he talks briefly about the deal flow issues people are experiencing in the note investing industry. On today’s episode, Chase is flying solo as Robert is down in Haiti for a charity project called Children First. We’ll have more to report on that when Robert returns for next week’s show. Starting out with the CFD, it was a really good deal and a lot of the due diligence they did on the front end made it look like it would not be a modification as previous owners of the note were unable to get a hold of the owner. However, right after they bought it, the borrower came into the picture. As soon as they reached out to him with some modification paperwork, he disappeared again so now they’re dealing with a deadline on a loan mod. They’ve got about two weeks left until the deadline arrives so keep your ears peeled as Chase will give updates as they come along. Moving on to the next p