Note Mba

112: Challenging Tax Value In Chicago



Before jumping in on a challenging tax value in Chicago, Chase discusses his recent marketing event that he hosted and his respect for high energy individuals such as Tony Robbins and teachers that are able to teach others day in and day out. Meanwhile in Orlando, Robert’s 2017 theme of organization is still going strong and he notes that he still has much to accomplish. He also mentions that he’s been doing some more research into Facebook advertising as he has another asset that he wants to sell to a 3rd party at the upcoming foreclosure sale similar to what they did with another recent asset. Robert explains how he has a few other deals he’s more interested in at the moment so he would like to sell this off at the foreclosure sale so he can invest the capital in other deals. The foreclosure auction is scheduled for February 27th in Aurora, Ohio so stay tuned as the results will be coming up in the next week or two! The guys then segue into a recent Tim Ferriss podcast and the need to get your hands dirty s