Note Mba

The Science of Getting Rich, The Preface



Hey guys, We're really excited with the idea of these extra episodes to the podcast. I came to Chase with the idea of just reading from books that I'm being influenced by, or that he's being influenced by. And we're going to mix that in throughout the course of the year with some video. But, given this is our first go at it,I guess I thought it was important to point out this is just a book we're really influenced by. It's not number one on the list, it's not number 10 or number 20 - I don't really know where it falls. I think it's something that really valuable to just have in your space. I know I appreciate that I was exposed to this book by multiple people. One person pointed out four chapters specifically. We'll be bringing you something special regarding that, and try to include a cameo appearance by that person. I want to say thank you for listening. Bare in mind that this first reading is my first attempt at anything like this. We appreciate all the feedback that you guys might have about this project.