Note Mba

073: 3 Marketing Tactics to Question on Your Way to Growing Your Business



This week Chase talks about marketing your business in today's market. He's flying solo without Robby, who is off taking care of some last minute business items before heading off to PaperSource in Vegas. In recent conversations, people have been confused about using new platforms to market their real estate business. Though, much of the confusion has revolved around the philosophy of using the platforms, not just the tactics around them. Chase quotes Gary Vaynerchuk, a thought leader in the marketing space, about being romantic about how you make your money is the fastest way to go out of business. Adapting to the changes in how to market your business is important. After that, he dives in on 3 marketing tactics people might be getting wrong. The first is that you don't really need to be blogging every day. Second, the write it and they will come strategy, is a total waste of time. Lastly, size doesn't matter. The length of your video, articles, etc. isn't as important as the existence of the marketing piece