Note Mba

065: The Power of No



As investors, we need to be good at math. Valedictorian math levels aren’t necessary. We're talking about basic math skills. Now let’s take a trip back to a 3rd grade math class. Trust us it’ll improve your productivity, maybe even your life. Here goes, what is zero time ten? What about, zero times 100? Hell, what’s zero time a billion? Zero, of course! Now, that we’ve all passed today’s Pop Quiz, here’s the point. In a great video by Jennifer Aaker, we’re introduced to the idea of time multipliers. The Stanford Graduate School of Business professor offers up a thesis on rethinking time. In the video she explains the concept of creating goal multipliers to achieve more in your life and business - highly recommend you check out the video. But what does that have to do with 3rd grade math? Everything! While everyone is trying to get more out of their day, most of us are wasting time multiplying by zero. Every time you say “Yes” to a project or deal or meeting you know you shouldn’t, you’ve just multiplied by ze