Note Mba

062: Real Estate Marketing Mistakes



We jump in talking about some books that are currently on the reading list; The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod got Robby to toss on some gym shoes and go for a run. Chase caught an early morning Periscope session by Jarrod Glandt this morning where he was speaking on how he starts his day with speed and urgency. Chase brings up an awesome story from one of his favorite people, Derek Sivers. The story is about the importance of relaxing to get the same results. Into deal talk, Robby has one of his foreclosure sales get canceled due to the borrower filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy the morning of the sale. He talks about the additional costs, hearings, the process of handling the deal. Moving to South Carolina Robby takes us through some back of the napkin math on a JV asset and how he is going to pick the bid amount for the foreclosure sale. Looking at the potential extended hold time by taking the property back as an REO and the additional capital needed to increase the sales price of the property. Chase did a gre