Note Mba

053: Eddie Speed, Note School & How You're Leaving Money On The Table



We talked about a sit down with Eddie Speed leading up to Note Expo a few weeks back. On today's show we deliver on that promise. During the interview Eddie breaks down how he got into the business, where he's seen it, and where he thinks it might be headed. We also dive into a unique twist on how you might be leaving money on that table by not utilizing seller finance in your business. The guy behind note school owes his time in this business to selling a horse to his now wife's father. Going over the horse transaction in detail over ice-cream, led to an 8 hour discussion about real estate. Which then in turn led to a few year long apprenticeship for Eddie in the real estate business. He moved to the Lone Star state to work the local market of seller finance notes here. In the show he details why living in the market you invested in wasn't a luxury, it was a necessity. We go on to discuss direct marketing mailers, buying straight from FDIC, and the most recent reports about subprime making a comeback. About