Note Mba

052: We couldn't have done it without you!



We've officially made to the one year mark folks! Robby and Chase quipped early on about making it this far, but the day is finally here. Thank you so much for joining us along the way. Reviewing our business weekly has been one of the biggest benefits to doing a weekly podcast. Robby even talks about how strange it is to have a hobby so closely related to your business. Most people don't scrutinize their business often enough. Doing things like this show, partaking in masterminds, etc. has really helped this year. Prior to hitting record Chase asked Robby about spinning your wheels with potential JV investors. Instead of giving his opinion offline, they hit record and hit that topic from the start. For them it comes down to not chasing to aggressively. And working to make sure you aren't in a position where you only have one person to send your deals. It's been addressed on the show before, but servicers might just be doing the best the can. Or more specifically, it's sometimes helpful to put yourself in som