Note Mba

042: Evicting In Chicago Is Still Not Fun



We start out with a quick recap of Robby’s trip to Dallas for the Five Star Expo. The main takeaways lean toward networking and getting out into the industry to find out what others are doing. The value of being around the top executives of many of the players in the industry can’t really be calculated. Robby took advantage of a new relationship with a RE Broker in Miami to help with the property he was offering Cash 4 Keys for on the show last week. Chase hits on some articles that came out following Five Star in reference to servicing, which hits on a lunch Robby had with the CEO of his primary servicing company. The lunch conversation helped shine some light on the servicing side of business from the point of view of the servicer, not as the investor. Robby introduces us to a new company to help outsource exterior aspects of maintenance for your properties call Task Easy.  They’ve already completed a job for him up in Columbus and he just ordered another yard service on a lot in Orlando for lot he received