Note Mba

036: How Much Money Do You Need To Start Note Investing



This week Chase and Robby get after a few listener questions and read some e-mails that came in over the past week. Topics Highlights include: -FCI’s Note Exchange -How much $$$ do I need to get started? -What if I haven’t done any deals? -Robby talks a bit about note wholesaling -A new FL Statute protecting tenants following a foreclosure So, let's get to a few questions we answer in today's show. Love the show!  Haven’t listened to all of the podcasts so if you have answered this before, I apologize.  What do you guys think about FCI Exchange for purchasing notes?  I’m new, have gone through Scott Carson’s Notes For Dummies class in Dallas, but haven’t pulled the trigger on a note yet. I keep running into investors that say “once you have a couple notes under your belt, give me a call.”  If I get a response at all.  It’s pretty frustrating but I’m not giving up. - Eric   I really enjoy the show. Thanks for taking the time to put it together and help everyone out. In my opinion there are not enough resour