Note Mba

029: Secrets To Expand Your Nationwide Network



Chase has been traveling and Robby has been at the beach, but we’ve both been working and we’re here again this week to toss around some chatter about note investing. Chase has been interacting with a bunch of other investors and is going to attack a topic or two that came his way. Chase dives into some tips on how to find some realtors in your non-local markets to help you evaluate the assets you can’t personally visit. There are some active and some passive ways to get this information and we discuss these as our first real topic. A few of those main resources are: Bigger Pockets, Active Rain, Council of Residential Specialists (CRS), and Robby has had to modify his road trip since he kept pushing it back in anticipation of closing on a large deal in Chicago. Instead of sitting around and not doing anything he’s hitting the road and to do a shorter road trip up to Georgia to deal with two properties. Along the way he’d love the opportunity to meet with an investors that listen to the show. Robby