Note Mba

026: Understanding the Safe Harbor and Keeping Money in Your Pocket



Robby’s has returned stateside for this week's episode as we jump into some more detail on a few Florida deals and share some insight into deals with HOAs in the state of Florida. This episode also marks our sixth month of consistent shows!!! First though, Chase starts us off with a great online service to deal with customer service issues that might pop up at random times in your life. The company/service is called Ringr. You can find them online at Use them to sit on hold and deal with the standard runaround we all run into when calling a variety of customer service companies as needed. We talk quite a bit on the show about designing a business and life the way you want. And we doubt anyone wants to include sitting on hold with some random customer service rep on to their list. Robby put together an small article this past week that we are going to put out on LinkedIn comparing note investing to a long road trip.  In addition we’re going to be working on a full case study this week regard