Note Mba

023: Marketing Your Note Investing Business



A slight improvement in audio quality even as Robby is coming to us from the other side of the planet in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam versus his drive to LA last week. Robby is headed out to the beaches of Thailand to continue his location independent note business.With that said, we’re going to focus on marketing for today’s show, which means Chase will be providing the bulk of the content this time around. “You’re not bad, you're just not as good as you would like to be.” We’re going to run with this quote as the basis for your marketing, even though Chase is basically telling you your marketing sucks! Check out the marketing webinar Chase did that we have up on our Note MBA YouTube for a refresher to some marketing ideas. Images as content drive conversion because we as humans are visual creatures. Visual perception – The concept from a recent Stanford University study that says the human brain makes you perceive your environment in a certain way whenever you’re viewing an image. The will associate this cre