Note Mba

011: Rhythmic Disruption & Borrower Negotiations



Chase is getting back to work after having a new baby and keeping things organized at home as his wife recovers. We’ve decided to call it “Rhythmic Disruption.” It is when something happens, planned or unplanned, that throws off your routine, that rhythm of life that helps keep things flowing. Chase admits that he was thrown off pretty bad by his most recent rhythmic disruption. As a result of an honest evaluation of what threw him off, Chase knows that he needs to improve his systems and work on his organization so that the next time things continue with much more ease. Have you taken some time to look at the systems you have in place to keep your note business going if you encounter a rhythmic disruption? Robby is getting ready to expand by hiring an assistant to help him run his businesses. He’s going through the mental shift of sacrificing a portion of his income to acquire the assistant, but knows the addition will easily pay for itself in three to four months. Getting advice on whom to hire has be