Note Mba

006: Smart Goals, Meditation Apps & Domino Chain Reaction



Happy New Year to all of our listeners! 2015 is upon us and this is the best time of year to review your prior year and see what’s ahead for the next year. “Your system is perfectly optimized for the results you are currently getting." Chase hits on the exponential power that dominos have in continuing a series of events leading to bigger and bigger things, a topic touched upon in the Gary Keller book “The ONE Thing.” You can have amazingly lofty goals, but you need to make sure you’re getting all of your small goals knocked out in order for those lofty goals to become within your reach. Are you setting resolutions or are you setting SMART Goals? What gets measured gets managed. So, what are SMART Goals? Specific Measurable Action Oriented/Attainable Realistic Time Bound We take time in today's show to run through portions of our goals for 2015 covering everything from Robby’s personal goals regarding travel, to Chase’s desire to start consistently having a “date night” with his wife. Chase recommends that