Small Farm Nation: Farming | Marketing | Homesteading

The “Ideal Customer” Myth



It’s easy to grow your farm or small business, right? Just define your ideal customer and find more like them. Well, today, I’ll put an end to this myth and explain why it’s not about your ideal customer, but rather it’s about YOU! You know, it’s frustrating when we start a farm or any new business. We hear things like, if you build it they will come. Experts advise us to simply define our ideal customer…our avatar, in modern speak, and we’re all set. Simple as that. Have you heard that before? Here’s an example of what the process looks like to define an ideal customer. I’ll call mine—Jane. And…I think Jane works in advertising. She has two kids and lives on the outskirts of a major city—let’s say, Dallas. Jane enjoys spending time with family, cooking from scratch and playing with her cats. So far, sounds like a profile you might see on a dating site, but I like Jane, don’t you? Let’s see what else we know about Jane. She values organic, sustainable, locally sourced food that is non-GMO, and she detests f