Three Insight

Episode Six: Google and Facebook. Again?



Three InSight, Episode 6. Google's URL Shortener. Do we really have to talk about Google? Yes. URL shorteners have good/bad side. Curious about monetization. Pro now exists because of Google's service. offers the best tracking. Google wants to be able to index shortened URLs, and this is a great way to enable it. Shorteners are becoming a risky proposition, don't click stuff if you don't know the source. Hackers are preying on our trust with shorteners. Will links show up in Google Analytics? Analytics and Adsense are paired nicely. Metzger Associates is using in press releases - intentionally. These days the URL/domain isn't so important because everything is being shortened. Big scary URLs are now simple. Dave uses the public library to reserve books and uses Google search to get there so he doesn't have to remember the actual URL. No singing for the holidays in the podcast, that's a promise.Google's Nexus One - which came first, Nexus One or Nexus Six? Duh :) Palm is coming back