Three Insight

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Covering technology, social media, startups, and whatever else comes up.


  • 75: The Evolution of Retail


    Holiday shopping is upon us, in droves. A group called Retail Industry Leaders Association is upset about Amazon's current incentive practices. Only some of which involve the lack of on-line sales tax issue. Can brick and mortar stores continue to compete with online aggressive pricing, free shipping, and (for now) lack of sales tax? Have you ever heard of a "slotting allowance"? You will…

  • 74: Level with Me or Get Out of My Face


    American Airlines has filed for chapter 11. They are not shutting down, just going through a re-org. Still not a great sign… And from bankruptcy to a tangent, the guys discuss what their biggest gripes about air travel are.

  • 73: Messy Internet Data


    Grooveshark is being sued by Universal. Learn why it differs so much from Pandora, Spotify and other music services. Netflix even with great brand recognition, is struggling even after canceling the spinoff of Quickster. Which us to the best way do deliver video media to the masses. How many devices do you have hooked up to your TV?

  • 72: Rise of the Sock Puppet


    Yay!!! Launch of the Kindle Fire!!! But Dave and Doyle do not have any hands on experience because Dave has not received his yet… But he is in the first wave of deliveries. Facebook is facing ongoing malware/virus attacks. Pornographic items are showing up in people's news streams, and it can get pretty annoying. Can attaching a credit card to an account for set up be a partial solution? Plus, Blogworld, the "good," the "great," and the "bad!"

  • 71: Post 4s Release


    Doyle is now a member of the iPhone 4s family, but he is on Verizon and very happy with the service. Dave is still an outcast… Groupon is going ahead with its IPO on Nov 4th. Based on amount of stock for sale and what they are expected to rise, Groupon is valued at $11 billion. The guys also have questions regarding the current business model.

  • 70: A Big Apple Week


    The iPhone 4s and iOS dropped this week! Michael has got his, and didn't have to camp out. He was in and out of an ATT store in 30 min on release morning! Tune in for "first" impressions and evaluations. The Back pedaler award of the month goes to Netflix/Qwixter!

  • 69: Where There's Smoke, There's Kindle Fire!


    Amazon has announced their revamped kindle line. Which includes the Kindle Fire. It looks rather impressive. It could be the next game changer in the tablet market. Note, it's not trying to be an iPad. It is an Android device, but has yet to be seen how open it will be. Along with the Fire, Amazon has been pushing into the video streaming space.

  • 68: Droppin' a Groupon


    Carol Bartz was fired from Yahoo! Over the phone! And then she sent a very unprofessional email! Appears everything could have been handled better. What would you miss if Yahoo were to disappear tomorrow? It seems it has been a while since they have been an influence in the internet space. Oh yeah, it's for sale… Did Groupon really turn down $6 billion?!?!? Google offers is proving there is no barrier to enter this market.

  • 67: Guys, it's not a video podcast?


    Steve Jobs has stepped down as CEO of Apple!!! All is lost! The sky is falling! Or things will progress with his influence for quite some time. The rumors are flying again that Apple may be getting into the television space. Would Apple spend time on it if it's not revolutionary? HP is in what some people may call a transition period… If you have not heard, where have you been?!?!

  • 66: Are Social Media and Social Responsibility Mutually Exclusive?


    Social media and the spread of information has become huge force in the way the world is viewed, and getting previously unknown details into the light. But at what cost? If an untrue statement is dispensed to the world, whether intentionally or by accident, is there a level of responsibility?

  • 65: 1979 Called, They Want Their PR Strategy Back


    Dave's father has recently purchased an external floppy drive… Yes, the guys are a bit perplexed as well. Skype, which has recently been acquired by Microsoft, has released their app for the iPad. The doors are being nudged open for some really interesting possibilities in this space. has been in the news recently due to their public relations issues with a few events. A few homes have been trashed, and Airbnb initially stated it was the owner's issue. How a company deals with an issue, (right or wrong), can have a big and possibly immediate impact.

  • 64: All Fanboy Episode


    Google+ has been out for 3 weeks and is up to 20 million users already! Doyle has not drunk the kool-aid yet… Dave compares posts and their responses on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Check out his description and why he chooses the current "winner." Oh yeah, Lion is finally out! Someone describes it as "pretty slick"…

  • 63: It's Like a Rave


    More Google+ talk! It seems to be going well so far, they may be able to take a decent amount of Facebook's subscriber base. It totally allows you to organize people how you want them to be. The guys are on board for the potential that Google+ has, especially in the wake of the other social networks Google has built that did not catch on. The iPhone 5 rumors are a flyin'! What can it do that the iPhone 4 and iOS 5 won't? And a new iPad as well?…

  • 62: Hackers, hackers EVERYWHERE!


    Apple has released a new Time Capsule. It comes has the option of coming with a 3TB hard drive. Doyle tells how he is laying out a plan to help his office make backing up painless. A 19 yr old hacker allegedly of the group LulzSec has been arrested by Scotland Yard. How is the law able to keep up with the rate at which technology evolves? Also, the news is reporting on these events more than ever, but to what end...

  • 61: The Technical Term for Antivrus is...


    The Mac world is not looking to be as teflon as it has in the past in the world of viruses and malware. Michael does the math for us… Mac Defender has done a successful job of rearing its ugly infecting head. When problems like these arise, where does the responsibility lie in counteracting, or at least help stem the tide of spreading the disease?

  • 60: 1999 called, they want their PowerBook back


    WWDC is now over! The guys discuss some of the items in the keynote address; iOS5, iCloud, iTunes Match and Lion. Lion could open the door to a whole new group of users, along with iOS5. Steve Jobs has also proposed to build a " spaceship" in Cupertino for Apple's new campus.

  • 58: Facebook in Trouble. Again.


    Facebook is in the middle of yet another scandal. This time it involves a whisper campaign against Google and the PR company of Burson-Marsteller. The guys discuss the moral and ethical implications of multi-billion dollar companies using such tactics. Apple is having a special event this weekend. Will it be a new product, new marketing, or just a special promotion? Let them know your predictions.

  • 57: The Best Way to Experiment...


    Microsoft has purchased Skype, for a ridiculous sum of money. This is their single largest acquisition. But how and will Microsoft fit it into the existing environment? Google is releasing its Chrome based laptop. Will it be a game changer, and what is the best way to market it?

  • 56: Life on and Through the 'Net


    Net Neutrality and Net Management!!! They are sometimes confused and can be very confusing. Listen in and see if you can get some details cleared up. How do you feel about, pay per usage for internet, an egalitarian internet, or fairness?

  • 55: it LIVES!!! (forever)


    Mark Zuckerberg is finding himself in legal hot water again. Paul Ceglia alleges he provided the Facebook billionaire with seed money to start the website. This week also marked the demise of the Flip Camera. Amazon is looking to offer an ad supported Kindle, but for only $25 dollars less. For that little amount, can it possibly be worth it?

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