Three Insight

Episode Five: Big Bag of Hurt



Chrome OS is getting closer. The hunt for your mom's desktop? The bigger story is that 5 years ago your OS was Windows or Mac OS. Today there's a huge variety in operating systems. Chrome aims to appeal to the light user. Android is an OS that works on a phone, but might appear in tablets sooner rather than later. Will Doyle move to Android? No he's tied to the Apple ecosystem. If you're new to smart phones, it's a good option, but nowhere near as polished as iPhone. It's like Mac OS X vs Linux. They're mostly the same, but the experience belongs to Apple. Someone from Microsoft said they took some ideas from OS X. OS feature borrowing makes the industry better. Google's trajectory has been to be the OS, with a network front end with the ability to move to another computer without hassle. Most Google apps have offline support, so an internet connection is required.Facebook worms show up every now and then and people send emails asking you not to click on links. URL shorteners lead us to trust. Learn to look b