Three Insight

Episode Three: What an audience



Admob purchased by Google. First spotting of Admob by Doyle was in the Wall Street Journal iPhone app. Dave is using Admob in his iPhone app. Google is doing right by acquiring for innovation. Microsoft built an empire on that practice, it works for a while. Writely is Google Docs. Writely from Colorado? Mobile is becoming more important in everything we do. It's critical to marketers.The DROID is a best of class device on Verizon. T-Mobile has the G2, and Sprint the Pre. The DROID is not an iPhone, but the iPhone needs the competition to be a better device. It sold over 100,000 units on the first weekend. It'll at least put pressure on AT&T. There are now options. Ari Newman switched to the DROID and has loved it so far. Competition creates a market. If you don't have competition then you don't have a market. Pressure begets innovation. Jason Mendelson says (at #BOCC ) that he doesn't want to invest in a new piece of fruit. He wants to see competitors in the space. Turn by turn is great on DROID, not availab