Three Insight

Episode Two: Hot air balloon



Thanks to Best Western in Kwanah, Texas for lending Michael their business center for a half an hour.Verizon DROID commercial launches focused on the flaws in the iPhone. For all of the things iPhone doesn't do, DROID does. The ad starts out like an Apple ad, but deteriorates in a scifi like coolness. Will it live up to Verizon's claims? We both like the approach, but you probably have to be a geek to get it. The "There's a map for that" ads are better. It's more about the network than the device in most cases. The worst part of the iPhone is AT&T in the US. Any network provider would have suffered the same network fate. Beware Verizon should you get the iPhone. DROID and Pre are similar in focusing on what the iPhone doesn't do, and should be focusing on what their benefits are. Where's the Pre now? How many Twitter apps? 30? Michael has half of them installed.Dave recounts his Blogworld Expo experience. It was a great event, they did a great job. It's about hanging in the hallways and after parties. Critici