Three Insight

Episode One: Air Quotes



FTC Regulations - a whole lot of buzz out nothing? Is it to target the late night advertisers that promise results with no accountability? Is it punishing everyone for the sake of a few? Will it raise the reputation of the blogosphere? Are these regulations targeted at bloggers that aren't accustomed to traditional print regulations?Macworld and PC World don't disclose the sources? Were the products paid for out of pocket or provided by the manufacturer? Dave reviews products that he's paid for harder than those provided for review. Doyle recounts his days at Maxtor where they expected the review units back due to publication policy, but wished they hadn't had to deal with the returns. They end up losing money on the units. In Australia, several review units were shipped with no expectation of return.Ultimately these regulations will have no affect. Though the precedent in cases is that they'll go after the larger fish, first.Windows 7. Launch parties around? Microsoft is sending kits with the Ultimate versio