Small Farm Nation: Farming | Marketing | Homesteading

How to Start a Farm or Homestead With No Money | Homesteading



I’ve shared many stories of people who have opted out of the rat race, but some of them had saved money to do so? But what if you haven’t? Listen to the Podcast Subscribe to Self-Sufficient Life on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play or TuneIn   Welcome to Episode 22! Today, I’ll deal with a caller’s frustration on how to start a homestead or farm with no money. So, I got this call in from a listener a while back and haven’t had a chance to center an episode around it yet. In the call, you can really hear his pain and heartfelt desire to live freely in the country. But, while he has really enjoyed the stories I've shared of others who have "opted out," his perception is that they (and I) made enough money in the corporate world to afford to do so. What he wants to know is how can people with no money afford to live freely in the country. It's a struggle I hear all the time, and today I provide as much help and as many ideas as I can, including the six macro categorical options, at least as I see them. H