Small Farm Nation: Farming | Marketing | Homesteading

Building a New Homestead with Tim & Liz Young|Farming | Homesteading



Moving to a new homestead you get to start with a clean slate. So how do you decide what you need? This week, Liz and I share what animals and infrastructure we settled on for our new homestead. Listen Now! Subscribe to Small Farm Nation on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play or TuneIn Welcome to Episode 19! This week Liz and I candidly discuss how we settled on what we needed on our homestead. Listen in as we discuss our animal and food choices: What breed of pigs we settled on, and why Cows, both dual purpose and specific breeds for beef and milk Meat chickens Hens German Shepherds versus Anatolian or Great Pyrenees Top bar hives and bees Garden area requirements We also cover all the infrastructure and building we've done in the past year, including: Raised bed Hugelkultur garden (click here for pics) Building a tall fence to keep deer out of the orchard/garden Integrating a play area into the garden space (click here for pics) Creating a medicinal herb garden Adding a metal building works