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The Accidental Farmers with Tim & Liz Young|Farming | Homesteading



So, what can happen when a suburban couple living on a golf course decides to take a horseback riding trip? Turns out they decide to chuck the house, buy 100 acres in the country and become the accidental farmers. Listen to the Podcast SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST IN ITUNES Welcome to Episode 13! This is a story's my story. Or more accurately, the story of how my wife, Liz, and I found ourselves out here in the country when we used to be in there (corporate America). Liz was a teacher with a Masters degree. I (Tim) was an entrepreneur, running marketing-type businesses. We were both successful, but not over the top successful. Just...typical suburban people living the typical suburban life. I'd like to say we planned our escape out of the rat race, but we never even contemplated it. We just took a horseback riding trip for Liz's birthday and fell in love with the notion of rural living. Then, after reading books such as The Omnivore's Dilemma and Slaughterhouse, we immediately became aware of a