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Daisy Luther | The Organic Prepper | Survival Mom | Homesteading



If you want to change the way people think, sometimes you just gotta get right up in their grill and tell ‘em what you think. Today, I’ll share the story of Daisy Luther. A freedom fighting, gun-toting, homeschooling mother who’s inspiring a nation of Organic Preppers. Listen to the Podcast SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST IN ITUNES Welcome to Episode 7!  This is the fascinating story of Daisy Luther from the blogs The Organic Prepper and I think you'll really enjoy the story of the winding path that led Daisy to homesteading and outspoken preparedness. A series of family tragedies, job losses and hardships drove her deep into the wilderness to homeschool her children, and learn that homesteading isn't as easy as it first seems. Her experiences reignited the skeptical, always questioning persona of her youth and inspired her to take up writing. She wrote books and multiple blogs centered on prepping, preparedness and delivering the truth in an unabashed way that you never see in mainstream media. Da