To Dare Is Human

46: Trevor Oldham on Motivation and Becoming the Lion



Season 2, Episode 4: Today, I want to talk about motivation, specifically all the sources of motivation you see online. Of course as part of this show, I've developed my Instagram, @todareishuman, to share pieces of my stories within the motivational quotes I post just about every day. I've been grateful to grow the page to just over 2100 followers who are able to see a piece of my story every day. By the way if you'd like to be part of that, go over there and follow -- just figured I'd plug the page real quick. 2100 followers is OK. But how about over half a million? That'd be pretty great, right? Well today I've got the story of someone who has done just that in this niche. Trevor Oldham is the co-founder of Become the Lion, the World’s leading platform for changing your mindset from “I can’t do it’, ‘I’m giving up’”… to “I will become the STRONGEST version of myself NOW. Not next week, next year, but TODAY..” The goal is to become the world’s premiere source of inspiration and expansion of the mind when