To Dare Is Human

45: Kelly Roach on her Journey from NFL Cheerleader to CEO



Today, I have a story of a woman whose journey towards her Dare is half-similar to mine. Before becoming a business coach, author, podcaster, speaker, and CEO of Kelly Roach International, Kelly Roach had a sales job like me. Well, not quite like me -- she broke all the sales records at her Fortune 500 employer and rose from entry-level to Senior Vice President in just 7 years. So maybe me down the road. But I only said "half-similar" -- and that's because prior to that meteoric rise, Kelly was a cheerleader in the NFL. I cannot say that I've held that title. Today, as I mentioned, Kelly runs her own business. As she mentions on her website, "Whether it’s starting and rapidly scaling your first business, learning how to properly manage your time to exponentially explode profits while working less, growing your existing business or even just mastering the “mental game”, she's developed proven systems for both the corporate and entrepreneurial world that deliver real results, fast." I was so glad to hear her