To Dare Is Human

40: We. Are. Back.



Title says it all. We are back everyone!! Not that I've been that "gone" from other platforms. But this is the first podcast I've uploaded in a while. Which is cool! I can think of no better way to announce the return of the podcast than to announce Season 2, which is ready to launch by the end of the month. I've got a bunch of great interviews lined up (of course, I'm always open to suggestions from my listeners!) and I can't wait to bring you that content. In the meantime, I am very active on a few other platforms, namely... Instagram YouTube Facebook Also, I have completely redone the website. Let me know what you think!! It's still at Feel free to get in touch with me through any of those platforms to let me know what you're thinking, or if you have a great idea for someone who you can put me in touch with for an interview. Enjoy! So excited to be back!! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is power