To Dare Is Human

36: Small Stuff University



If you're like me, your Facebook and Instagram accounts are currently being flooded with graduation photos from friends and family. Today's episode is the story of a graduation (and a Dare within) you likely didn't see -- that of Albert Alan. Albert has taken an incredible journey from living on the streets to leaving the University of Arizona with three degrees and a plan to return to the streets as a doctor for the homeless. Read more about the incredible story of Albert Alan here. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and leave an iTunes review. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to tell your friends about it as well, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach