To Dare Is Human

21: Wonder Women: Kristina Saffran



Another week, another Wonder Woman! This week, I'm chatting with Kristina Saffran, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director of Project HEAL: Help to Eat, Accept and Live. Kristina's Dare has been in the works since the age of 15 when she co-founded Project HEAL while in treatment for anorexia. That year saw a successful fundraiser generate $10,000 for the education and treatment of those with anorexia and other eating disorders (which are terribly under-funded). These days, Kristina is pursuing this effort full-time and just wrapped up a Silicon Valley gala hosted by Ariana Huffington which brought in roughly a quarter of a million for eating disorders. Next month, Project HEAL comes to New York for an East Coast Gala. I highly recommend making an effort to attend or working with your employer to make a donation to this extremely deserving cause and this hell of a Dare. To interact with Project HEAL, head over to They are also on social media: Facebook/Instagram @projectHEAL, and Twitter @the